Payment & Security

We have taken the necessary steps to make sure that all payments made at Reduced Fashion are secure and private. We provide encryption on our website and process all online payments through secure payment gateways. For more information on data security, please read our Privacy Policy.
Reduced Fashion takes an active interest in protecting your bank and credit card account details, and any other personal or sensitive information that you share with us.
Below are the following ways you can pay for your orders:
Reduced Fashion is a PayPal Verified merchant. PayPal is currently the most popular payment method among our customers. If you have a credit card linked to your PayPal account, you may also use this to process your payment to us.
Important Reminders:
- Reduced Fashion will only ship to the shipping address that is listed and confirmed on your PayPal account. Do check that you have your desired shipping address added before you process payment.
- Any promotional codes or coupons that you would like to apply to your order must be entered on the Reduced Fashion checkout page before you click on the PayPal link.
- Since your PayPal password is private, orders made online can only be paid online, and not via telephone. If you wish to process your order payment via telephone, please contact us for assistance.


We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) and debit cards. We currently do not accept gift cards, however. For security, Reduced Fashion uses WorldPay, a top worldwide credit card processor, to verify all credit card transactions. For more information, please visit
Important Reminder:
We will ship only to the confirmed shipping address that you have listed on your credit or debit account. If your desired shipping address is not yet on your account, please contact your provider to have it added as an Alternate Shipping Address. This must be done before you process payment.


Reduced Fashion customers may now pay via Amazon Checkout! To process payment this way, click the Amazon Checkout option on the checkout page. You will be directed to log in to your Amazon account and confirm the payment there before returning to the checkout page.
We accept payments via bank wire transfer. Your orders paid via this method will be shipped out as soon as we receive payment confirmation. We reserve your orders for 3 working days to allow for processing. If, however, the payment is not received within this period, your orders will be canceled and returned to our stock.

Important Reminder:

To facilitate your payments and order processing, please alert your bank and track your transfer order. If your bank requires more than 3 days, please inform us so that we can assist in making the necessary adjustments.
Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) payment is an ideal option for those looking to order in bulk. With C.O.D, we collect your payment when your orders are delivered. It is policy at Reduced Fashion to charge an additional fee for C.O.D. shipping. The exact cost will depend on your location. Please contact us for more information.